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Rufous-legged Owl
Strix rufipes

Rufous-legged Owl
Lechuza Bataraz
Strix rufipes
Length: 390mm. Sexes alike. Bill whitish pearl; iris dark brown; facial disc rufous with blackish circular bands; auricular ring black, brow and feathers covering base of bill white; upper parts of head, sides of head and neck dark brown with fine undulating white barring, and inconspicuous ochraceous barring; back, scapulars and uppertail coverts dark brown with cinnamon ochraceous and white spots and banding; rectrices dark brown with fine cinnamon whitish barring. Breast, flanks and undertail coverts ochraceous with alternating white and dark brown broad undulating bars; abdomen ochraceous. Wing coverts brown with cinnamon ochraceous and white spots; secondaries and primaries brown with whitish ochraceous barring; underwing coverts and axillaries ochraceous. Legs covered with ochraceous- coloured feathers.
Habitat and behaviour: unmistakable by its appearance, plumage and big dark eyes, it is found solitary or in pairs, in forests and small woods, during the day it remains quietly hidden in the thick and dark parts of the forest, becoming very active at dusk. On account of it being calm and quiet it is elusive during the day, thus seeming to be fewer in number. At nightfall and during the night it utters far-carrying cries. The Rufous-legged Owl feeds on rodents, insects and birds, pinpointing its target from a perch in the woods or flying low. The nest is made in holes in trees where three white eggs are usually laid. Parents feed the brood until they are fully fledged. Range: the race Strix rufipes rufipes occurs in Patagonia from the subantarctic forests and adjacent areas from Neuquén to Tierra del Fuego, and also in Chile from Aconcagua to Chilean Tierra del Fuego. In the north of Argentina, the race Strix rufipes chacoensis is found from La Pampa and La Rioja to Jujuy, Salta and Formosa.
Illustrated Handbook of the Birds of Patagonia
Kindless: Kovacs Family

Photographs: Mariano Diez Peña

Birding Patagonia • Birdwatcing in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina and Chile.
All Rights reserved. Reproduction of photographs is forbidden without permission from the authors.
Photographs on the website: Mariano Diez Peña