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Short-eared Owl
Asio flammeus

Short-eared Owl
Lechuzón de Campo
Asio flammeus
Length: 420mm. Sexes alike. Bill black; iris yellow; supercilium and feathers covering base of bill white; facial disc ochraceous and whitish bordered by a black auricular circle and a black blotch around eyes; small ear tufts. Breast and underparts ochraceous cream striated blackish brown; feathers on thighs, lower abdomen and undertail coverts uniform ochraceous cream. Upper parts of head, neck, upperparts in general and wings ochraceous cream with dark brown spots and patterns; rectrices ochraceous cream with dark brown barring; underwing coverts and axillaries ochraceous cream with small dark brown spots to tips of feathers; underwing coverts covering base of primaries are dark brown on the outer half forming a band; underside of secondary remiges ochraceous cream with fine dark brown banding, underside of primaries ochraceous cream with a dark brown band halfway and apex in same colour. Legs covered with ochraceous cream feathering. Unmistakable by its medium size and coloration. Habitat and behaviour: it is found solitary, in pairs or in small loose groups wherever food abounds. Quite common, it often flies at any time of the day. It inhabits open grassland, savannah and fields with bunchgrass. It skims low across the fields with noiseless flight, preying on rats and mice that are its staple food. It often remains hidden among grasses although it also perches on fence posts. During the day it is quiet but at night it utters loud calls. The nest is made on the ground, concealed among clumps of grass. Usually four to six in number, the eggs are white. Range: very widely distributed species, the Short-eared Owl is found in North America, Africa, Europe and Asia. In South America it is found from Venezuela along the west of the continent to the south of Brazil and also in Uruguay and Chile. In Argentina the race Asio flammeus suinda occurs throughout the north and across Patagonia as far south as Tierra del Fuego; Islas Malvinas hosts the race Asio flammeus sanfordi.
Illustrated Handbook of the Birds of Patagonia
Kindless: Kovacs Family

Photographs: Mariano Diez Peña

Birding Patagonia • Birdwatcing in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina and Chile.
All Rights reserved. Reproduction of photographs is forbidden without permission from the authors.
Photographs on the website: Mariano Diez Peña