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Southern Stilt
Himantopus melanorus

Southern Stilt
Tero Real
Himantopus melanurus
Length: 400mm. Sexes alike. Bill black; iris red; forehead, crown, lores, malar region, chin, throat and foreneck white; sub and postocular region, nape and hind neck black; upper back crossed by a wide transversal white band; remainder of upper back and scapulars black with soft metal green and blue sheen; lower back, rump and uppertail coverts white; rectrices white, the central ones being pale ashy grey; breast, flanks, abdomen and undertail coverts pure white; wing coverts as back; primaries and secondaries black; underwing coverts black; axillaries white. Legs pink red.
The female is similar to the male but slightly brownish on the back. Juveniles show crown, nape, hind neck and upperparts brownish overall. Habitat and behaviour: easily recognised, it inhabits ponds, grassy marshes and other freshwater and saltwater shallow bodies. It is found in pairs or groups of twenty or more individuals, somewhat scattered. The Southern Stilt often remains in the water. It frequently utters a characteristic shriek reminiscent of a small dog’s bark, both when roosting and in flight.
The nest is placed on the ground on mounds in swampy areas or very slow moving waters. Various vegetable matter is used. Up to four olive brown eggs are laid, profusely mottled dark brown and black on the entire surface. Pairs may nest isolated or in loose colonies. Range: throughout the north of Argentina. In Patagonia it occurs from Neuquén and Río Negro to the south of Chubut and possibly even further south, both in the mountains and adjacent areas as in locations near the coastline such as Trelew, Gaiman and Dolavon. In the northeast of Chubut specimens were sighted and collected by the writers at El Hoyo de Epuyén, Cholila, Cushamen, Leleke, Tecka and Gobernador Costa. Also, they have sighted this species at Estancia Numancia, located in southwestern Chubut, in the locality of Aldea Beleiro. In temporary ponds in the vicinity of Cholila, the writers have observed several pairs nesting for more than one season.
Illustrated Handbook of the Birds of Patagonia
Kindless: Kovacs Family

Photographs: Mariano Diez Peña

Birding Patagonia • Birdwatcing in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina and Chile.
All Rights reserved. Reproduction of photographs is forbidden without permission from the authors.
Photographs on the website: Mariano Diez Peña