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White-tufted Grebe
Rollandia rolland

White-tufted Grebe
Macá Común
Podiceps rolland
Length: 260mm. Sexes alike. Bill black; iris red; head and neck black with green sheen, feathers on nape and sides of head are longer, forming a tuft; sides of head and ear coverts pure white with black streaks; above blackish brown with brownish tipped feathers; rump and tail black and chestnut; primary remiges greyish brown with half of inner vexillum white; secondaries, white with brownish edging; underwing coverts and axillaries, white. Breast, flanks and underparts mostly bright ferruginous chestnut with blackish brown streaks on the hind belly. Legs, dark olive grey.
Juvenile plumage is dark brown on head, neck and above; ear patch as in adults; feathers on the back of head are shorter; chin and throat whitish; foreneck and upper breast cinnamon-buff; rest of underparts satin white; flanks rusty. Habitat and behaviour: in winter adults, when in nonbreeding plumage, resemble juveniles; chicks are born with cinnamon-buff down on head and neck; front of neck whitish; above blackish brown, underparts white. Easily recognised by its colour and small size, the White-tufted Grebe is found in all types of water bodies such as lakes, ponds, rivers and slow-flowing streams; occasionally on seashores. Like most grebes, it dives swiftly when in danger or alarmed. It rarely flies in the daytime. Vocalisation is a weak nasal scream, slightly melancholic; it also makes sounds that resemble whistles and other calls.
It feeds on small fish, beetles, hemipterous, insect larvae, molluscs and crustaceans, large quantities of feathers and some plants. To feed it nearly always dives with a forward leap.
It builds a floating nest with plant materials anchored to aquatic plants. The White-tufted Grebe displays an interesting and elaborate courtship ritual in the breeding season; clutch size ranges from 3-6 white eggs that turn dirty yellowish brown during incubation.
Range: all Patagonia, where the race Podiceps rolland chilensis is found; the monotypic race or subspecies Podiceps rolland rolland is confined to Islas Malvinas. It is distinguished from its continental cousin by the darker colour and larger size (350mm).
Illustrated Handbook of the Birds of Patagonia
Kindless: Kovacs Family

Photographs: Mariano Diez Peña

Birding Patagonia • Birdwatcing in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina and Chile.
All Rights reserved. Reproduction of photographs is forbidden without permission from the authors.
Photographs on the website: Mariano Diez Peña